
Visiting Murray Farms Greenhouse

Murray Farms Greenhouse Tour

When I’m reincarnated, I think I’ll request to be a greenhouse cat – is that an option? I mean, the greenhouse is warm, smells good, and is surrounded by plants. The cherry on this sunday is that someone at Murray Farms Greenhouse makes a luxurious cat bed directly in front of the cash register, ensuring maximum pets and snuggles.

Murray Farms Greenhouse opened April 29th this year, and a friend and I scooted right in there the day after. It was a fun morning for sure, chatting, strolling the isles of plants, and picking out some plants. I got two trays of marigolds (my least favorite flower but one of my favorites for deterring pests), a geranium, and my treasured celebrity tomatoes.

Gardening Eye Candy

Anyone who doesn’t think nature is mathematical will have to walk a garden and defend their position to me. Take a look at these flowers… the colors, the designs… ahhhhh. Greenhouses; an instant serotonin hit.

Annuals as Far as the Eye Can See

Murray Farms Greenhouse Tour

This variegated red geranium was amazing! It’s taller than the table – easily four feet tall and at least 4 feet wide. It was potted in a large whiskey barrel and had broken the pallet it was sitting on!

Murray Farms Greenhouses was filled with a cornucopia of happiness and every annual you can possibly think of to make the ultimate planter. As well as hanging baskets and already potted-up planters.

There are three greenhouses perpindicular and connected to the main greenhouse you walk into. One was filled with vegetables. Lots of cold-hardy vegetables (brussel sprouts, cabbage, lettuces) and herbs and we could see they warm-season vegs (tomatos, peppers, eggplant, etc) were getting a good start. Although it is too early for the warm weather vegetables (June 1st is our planting date) around here I did snag one of my favorite tomatoes, the Celebrity and put it under my lights. I like it because it is a determinant (bush), classic looking red tomato perfect for saucing and slicing and resists cracking. I’ve gotten these a few years from Murray’s and hustle in as soon as they open to make sure I get those Celebrities!

Murray Farms Greenhouse

Murray Farms Greenhouse

The Murray Family has called River Road home for more than 100 years. Current owners Don and David’s great-grandparents moved to River Road and began a dairy farm. A horse-drawn wagon delivered milk to customers in Penacook, NH. Jesse and Helen (David and Don’s father and mother) began what was known throughout the East as Murray Farms Hatchery. Up to 60,000 baby chicks were hatched weekly in the prime of the poultry days at the farm. Baby chicks were shipped all over the East to many poultry farms.

In 1964, Jesse and Helen began what is now known as Murray Farm Greenhouse. This same property has shifted over 100 years, in the same family generationaly from dairy production and delivery to a chicken hatchery and now the greenhouses and plant production you see today. If I had to guess though, some things don’t change. Every year I go, I’m always greeted by a surprisingly energetic gentleman I would guess to be one of the brothers Don or David, with the same enthusiasm and energy that explodes out of every gardener in the spring!

Have you been to Murray’s? If you’re in the Concord, NH area drop into Murray Farms Greenhouse, it’s a beautiful drive along the river.

Murray Farms Greenhouse
(603) 753-6781
GPS Directions: 115 River Rd Concord NH 03301
Open weekends: May 9-6, June 9-5

~ Lola

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The Bored Engineer’s Coop

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