
Fav Garden Products

Why guess? Or buy multiple products until you find the right one? We only recommend products we have used with success. This is your cheat sheet! All of our favorite garden support products in one place!
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Garden Structures

Build a Garden

Build a Raised Bed Garden

Build a Grow Rack

Start Seedlings


Build a Raspberry Trellis

Build a Leaning Gourd Trellis

Materials to make a Garden Mailbox for Garden Tool Storage

Materials to start Winter Sowing Jugs

Keep kids Busy in the Garden

Chicken Keeping

Coop Gadets to make chicken keeping easier!

DIY Crafts

Sprucing up Facebook Finds

Materials to force bulbs

Materials to make a terrarium

Homemade Products

Materials to make homemade brown sugar

Materials to make banana peel fertilizer

Canning and Preserving

Blog Categories

This is your cheat sheet!

Find all the tried and true garden support products!

The Gardening Passion Etsy Store

The winter is long here in NH! Check out some homemade goodness!

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